Work@UK|Poster Presentation at SenescenceUK19

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1 minute read

I am honored to join Dr. Yi Feng’s lab for a 4-month undergraduate research project at Edinburgh, MRC centre of Inflammation which is sponsered by Wellcome Trust. I investigated oncogene induced senescence in vivo via a established zebrafish imaging model, and discovered the homologous function of cell cycle arrest proteins invovled in the senescenece pathways between mammals and zebrafish.

The findings are presented at the Senescence Symposium 2019 at Edinburgh, UK. I’ve been inspired and learned so much from these outstanding graduate students and colleagues who are devoted to deciphering the aging mystery.

Skills:Imaging processing with ImageJ, Photoshop

Statistics analysis with SPSS(IBM),Graphpad Prism v8, MS Excel.

In vivo live imaging via Zeiss confocal scanning microsope/ Genotyping/ Microinjection/ Zebrafish handling

Senescence, Zebrafish, Final year project
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